Saughall Snippets

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» Listings for 2021

  1. Well, it's been raining again this morning in Saughall but at least everything is getting well watered so thats saving on a job to do in the garden.

    The runner beans are certainly suffering at the moment with the weather.

    I've got borlotti beans and french beans all growing well in the greenhouse.  I grew the borlotti under glass last year and they did quite well.  They aren't for eating as the the pod but for collecting as dried beans to use throughout the winter and I'll use whats left for replanting again next year.

    The french beans do seem to be fairing much better indoors than out at the moment though like everything else this year they are much slower.

    It's very easy to grow a few dwarf beans in troughs and still get a good crop.


  2. Another overcast day in Saughall. Hopefully the cloud will lift later.

    The first dahlia of the season is out in the garden.  They have been sooo slow growing this year.  Admittedly I did a daft thing by not digging them up last year and leaving them in the ground.  The slugs have had a great time and I'm reluctant to put slug pellets down because we are having daily visits from the hedgehog at the moment. 

    Unfortunately with the clay soil which we have in Saughall when we have sun it bakes the clay and makes the ground so hard so new shoots struggle.

    I think we need to get the dahlia man back to give the gardening club another talk!
