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» Listings for 2021

  1. Big Daddy

    How's this for a tomato!

    Big Daddy on the left and Bloody Butcher on the right.

    Big Daddy has certainly lived up to it's name.  This one has weighed in at 9.4 oz.  It has had about 6 - 8  fruits on a plant - to be honest if I'd kept up with feeding it would probably have cropped with more!

    Bloody Butcher is a good medium size tomato and a prolific cropper.  Definitely an early cropper and the flavour of the tomato has improved as the season has advanced.  Will most certainly be one for growing next year.


  2. A very underrated vegetable - it can be eaten raw or cooked. Peculiar looking in appearance, you actually eat the swollen stem of the plant.  Belonging to the brassica family it has a sweet flavour and tastes like a cross between turnip and cabbage, similar to brocolli stems.  Although it can be cooked, we always eat it raw, grated in salads.

    One of the quickest maturing vegetables and can grow to maturity in as little as 60 days, depending on the variety.  Well worth having a go at growing.

    Kohl Rabi